Watch PAST PRIMARY BUZZ Discussions
Frank Barry is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and member of the editorial board covering national affairs. He served as chief speechwriter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg during the 2020 presidential campaign and in New York’s City Hall, where he also helped lead a variety of government and election reform initiatives.
Frank’s new book, Back Roads and Better Angels: A Journey into the Heart of American Democracy, brings together two of America’s unifying loves — road trips and Abraham Lincoln. He takes readers on a thought-provoking journey into the heart of our democracy and the soul of our country through the voices of everyday Americans to see more clearly what still brings us all together — even amidst political divisions that have grown increasingly rancorous, bitter, and exhausting.
Open Primaries President John Opdycke sat down with Barry to discuss both Back Roads and his previous book, The Scandal of Reform which investigated how political reform in the hands of partisan insiders can be used to entrench their power.
- May 2024: Independent Voters Are.. A Conversation with Jackie Salit
April 2024: A Conversation with Nebraskan Dan Osborn, Independent candidate for US Senate
March 2024: The Primary Solution: a conversation with Nick Troiano
February 2024: Change of Heart: from “No Way” to “Yes Sir!” A Conversation with Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum
January 2024: Coronation or Competition: A Conversation w/ Congressman & Presidential Candidate Dean Phillips
December 2023: Can Arizona Lead the Way on Democratic Reform? (Featuring Paul Johnson)
November 2023: Young Voters Stand Up for Open Primaries (featuring Students for Ballot PA)
October 2023: Fighting for Open Primaries in Democratic Party Strongholds: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Featuring: Lisa Rice (Make All Votes Count DC), Sondra Cosgrove (Vote Nevada), Bob Perls (New Mexico Open Elections) & Dr. Jessie Fields (Open Primaries Board Member & Spokesperson, NYC)
September 2023: California’s Top Two Primary-A Successful Reform. Featuring Dr. Richard Barton
July 2023: What it Takes to Deliver Fair Representation for the American People: A Conversation with Kent Thiry
June 2023: Taking on “Political Bribery” in the Wake of CItizens United–A conversation with Jeff Clements
May 2023: An Inside Look at the Campaign to Repeal Pennsylvania’s Closed Primaries. Featuring David Thornburgh
March 2023: Can Bipartisanship Survive the Rise of the Independent Voter? A Conversation w/ Dr. Ben Chavis
February 2023: On the Front Lines of Democracy: Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes
January 2023: Meet the Citizen Activists Championing Primary Reform