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ARIZONA: AZ voters might be put in a position where they’re able to vote for open primaries this November but their votes might be thrown out–disenfranchising voters even more. #VoteYesonProp140
PENNSYLVANIA: A new poll finds that 75% of PA voters want open primaries, and nearly 1 in 3 voters said they would change their party registration.
ARIZONA: “Independent voters, who make up a third of all voters in Arizona, get the second-class citizen treatment, forced to choose between the Republican or Democratic ballot in the primaries and ultimately, like the rest of us, left with the extremes in the general election.”
IDAHO: “The attorney general is attempting to block our initiative because he’s afraid that the vast majority of Idahoans will vote for it. He knows he can’t persuade the voters, so he’s trying to prevent them from having a say.”
WATCH: Let Us Vote shared the stories of Alix Johnson, an independent South Dakotan shut out in the state’s closed primaries.
The Conversation: Nevada is a battleground state – and may be a bellwether of more extreme partisanship
“Common sense Americans now outnumber Democrats and Republicans, and they’re ready to take their country back.”
The Washington Post: Initiative 83 in Washington, D.C. would allow about 74,000 people registered as “unaffiliated” to vote in D.C.’s primary elections, implementing a ranked-choice system.
Kentucky SOS: “I do think it’s inevitable that we’re going to have open primaries. I think it’s just a matter of time.” – Michael Adams, Kentucky Secretary of State
ABC NEWS: A new lawsuit in Tennessee challenging two state laws that require primary voters to be “bona fide” party members or to “declare allegiance” to the party they are voting for is gaining serious national attention.
Nebraska Examiner: Nebraskans for BetterGovernance’s solution includes all candidates on one ballot, accessible to all registered voters. Read Josh’s op-ed.
LET US VOTE: Serenity Mills is an independent voter because it helps her widen the variety of candidates she’s willing to support. Watch her explain why.
BREAKING: Idaho is getting closer to doing away with closed partisan primaries and replacing them with a single primary election open to all voters and candidates, regardless of party affiliation.
BREAKING:Thousands of voters would be disenfranchised in closed partisan primaries if the Texas GOP decides to end open primaries at their upcoming convention.
WEST VIRGINIA: Independent voices will be silenced after the May 14 primary for governor. Read how they’ll impact the primary election for the last time
ARIZONA: Two prominent Arizona Veterans penned an op-ed this week in AZ Central coming out in support for Make Elections Fair AZ campaign to open Arizona’s primaries to all Arizonans.
Baltimore Sun: Younger voters more often than not do not embrace either party, but the current trend shows that millennials and Gen X members registered as independent when young are remaining independent as they get older. “My party, right or wrong” is not their mantra.
BREAKING: the open primaries initiative in Arizona–Make Elections Fairs–has gotten nearly 80% of the petition signatures it needs to get on the 2024 ballot!
MSNBC: This is a must watch. MorningJoe covering the significant rise of independent voters and why its time our elections reflect our people.
IVN: We’ve launched a new campaign to end the discrimination against independent voters. Watch the video, sign the petition and get involved today!
BREAKING: The South Carolina GOP have introduced a bill to close South Carolina’s primaries–this would effectively shut out over 900,000 voters in South Carolina.
REMINDER: Maine is holding its first ever open primary & the state’s almost 300K independents will be taking part! Proud to have been a part of the coalition that made it possible.
BREAKING: We successfully defeated closed primary efforts in Virginia! Open primaries remain the law in VA! OP President John Opdycke weighs in on how Illinois’ primary system can discourage full participation because many voters fear the real-life implications from having to publicly declare their choice of party at the ballot box.
Texas Monthly: Despite the data on crossover voting, the GOP in Texas are trying to close primaries to better ensure the candidates the party picks (not the people!) move on to the general election