BREAKING: The former Governor and Secretary of State of Montanas have both come out in support of Constitutional Amendment 126 to create nonpartisan Top 4 Open Primaries–it’s on the ballot this November!
Chronicle of Philanthropy: OP President John Opdycke has made The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s list of 17 nonprofit leaders who want to change how we vote! Check out the full list–We’re in good company.
BREAKING: US Voters, Activists Set to Rally Monday October 21st for Open Primaries Ahead of Historic Elections. Join in on the fun. Register for the rally TODAY.
BREAKING: 1 in 4 voters in New York state do not belong to a party…and this number keeps rising. We need primary elections that include these voters.
MONTANA: Montanans are speaking up about why they are voting YES on CI-126 and opening Montana’s primaries to EVERY voter.
ALASKANS: The time is now to vote NO on Ballot Measure 2. Here are 10 reasons to vote NO and keep your primary elections in your control and out of the hands of the parties.
IDAHO: Marv Hagedorn, a retired Navy Chief Warrant Officer who served in the Idaho Legislature for 12 years admits that he was wrong about supporting closed primaries in the past and endorses Prop 1 to let all voters vote!
BREAKING: Bloomberg Editorial Board endorses open primaries on the ballot all across the country this year!
ADN: After an incredibly close election, all the votes have finally been tallied and we can report that Alaska’s nonpartisan open primary system initially passed in 202o will remain intact moving forward!
BLOOMBERG: Frank Barry outlines why party bosses from both sides of the aisle are actively working to keep our primaries closed and why it’s time we embrace reform.