OKLAHOMA GAZETTE: The movement to reform Oklahoma’s closed and uncompetitive elections is growing
The Conversation: 2024 vs. 2020: The number of Republican voters decreased by 3.5 million. The number of Democratic voters dropped by 11.2 million. 11 million MORE Independents cast ballots. Independents are an emerging force in American politics.
DAILY NEWS: OP President John Opdycke gets a shout out in the Daily News over New York’s uncompetitive and hypocritical election processes.
US News & World Report: In 2024 for the first time, Independent voters topped Democratic and tied Republican turnout. Locking out these voters in closed primary states is driving uncompetitive primaries which is producing candidates that less and less Americans are happy about.
OKLAHOMA VOICE: Vote YES on 835 launches in Oklahoma to open the primaries to all voters!
BLOOMBERG: Frank Barry outlines why party bosses from both sides of the aisle are actively working to keep our primaries closed and why it’s time we embrace reform.
ADN: After an incredibly close election, all the votes have finally been tallied and we can report that Alaska’s nonpartisan open primary system initially passed in 202o will remain intact moving forward!
BREAKING: Bloomberg Editorial Board endorses open primaries on the ballot all across the country this year!
IDAHO: Marv Hagedorn, a retired Navy Chief Warrant Officer who served in the Idaho Legislature for 12 years admits that he was wrong about supporting closed primaries in the past and endorses Prop 1 to let all voters vote!
ALASKANS: The time is now to vote NO on Ballot Measure 2. Here are 10 reasons to vote NO and keep your primary elections in your control and out of the hands of the parties.
MONTANA: Montanans are speaking up about why they are voting YES on CI-126 and opening Montana’s primaries to EVERY voter.
BREAKING: 1 in 4 voters in New York state do not belong to a party…and this number keeps rising. We need primary elections that include these voters.
BREAKING: US Voters, Activists Set to Rally Monday October 21st for Open Primaries Ahead of Historic Elections. Join in on the fun. Register for the rally TODAY.
Chronicle of Philanthropy: OP President John Opdycke has made The Chronicle of Philanthropy's list of 17 nonprofit leaders who want to change how we vote! Check out the full list–We’re in good company.
BREAKING: The former Governor and Secretary of State of Montanas have both come out in support of Constitutional Amendment 126 to create nonpartisan Top 4 Open Primaries–it’s on the ballot this November!
IDAHO: Nearly 50% of veterans aren’t registered in either major party. Currently, Idaho shuts out these voters. That can change this November.
OKLAHOMA: Our friend & OKC Mayor David Holt is a champion for open primaries. Check out his recent interview on Flash point & keep your eyes on Oklahoma:
NEW POLL: A majority of Coloradans support reforming Colorado’s elections this November
BIG NEWS: 8 open primary initiatives on the ballot across the country this year?! Thank you for helping us make 2024 a historic year for this movement. Signup to stay in the loop!
IDAHO: A win for Idaho voters.
ARIZONA: AZ voters might be put in a position where they’re able to vote for open primaries this November but their votes might be thrown out–disenfranchising voters even more. #VoteYesonProp140
SOUTH DAKOTA: When you exclude people from primaries, you suppress voter turnout. It’s that simple.
PENNSYLVANIA: A new poll finds that 75% of PA voters want open primaries, and nearly 1 in 3 voters said they would change their party registration.
ARIZONA: “Independent voters, who make up a third of all voters in Arizona, get the second-class citizen treatment, forced to choose between the Republican or Democratic ballot in the primaries and ultimately, like the rest of us, left with the extremes in the general election.”
IDAHO: “The attorney general is attempting to block our initiative because he’s afraid that the vast majority of Idahoans will vote for it. He knows he can’t persuade the voters, so he’s trying to prevent them from having a say.”
Idaho SOS Announces that Open Primaries Initiative Has Officially Qualified for the November Ballot
WATCH: Let Us Vote shared the stories of Alix Johnson, an independent South Dakotan shut out in the state’s closed primaries.
The Conversation: Nevada is a battleground state – and may be a bellwether of more extreme partisanship
AZ Central: Arizona voters are about to blow up the way elections work
League of Women Voters Kentucky ENDORSES Open Primaries, Pursuing Open Primary Legislation in 2025
“Common sense Americans now outnumber Democrats and Republicans, and they’re ready to take their country back.”
THE FULCRUM: OP Senior VP Jeremy Gruber on Independent voters in a new piece in The Fulcrum
ABQ Journal: Closed Primaries Disenfranchise Large Swaths of Voters
The Hill: This November, Arizona could change the rule of electoral politics
The Fulcrum: Read OP President's Brash Tacks this month in the Fulcrum
The Washington Post: Initiative 83 in Washington, D.C. would allow about 74,000 people registered as “unaffiliated” to vote in D.C.’s primary elections, implementing a ranked-choice system.
Kentucky SOS: “I do think it’s inevitable that we’re going to have open primaries. I think it’s just a matter of time.” - Michael Adams, Kentucky Secretary of State
BREAKING: Buffalo voters challenge NY Independent nominating deadline in appeals court
ABC NEWS: A new lawsuit in Tennessee challenging two state laws that require primary voters to be “bona fide” party members or to “declare allegiance” to the party they are voting for is gaining serious national attention.
Nebraska Examiner: Nebraskans for BetterGovernance’s solution includes all candidates on one ballot, accessible to all registered voters. Read Josh’s op-ed.
LET US VOTE: Serenity Mills is an independent voter because it helps her widen the variety of candidates she's willing to support. Watch her explain why.
BREAKING: Idaho is getting closer to doing away with closed partisan primaries and replacing them with a single primary election open to all voters and candidates, regardless of party affiliation.
ABC News: Signatures submitted for top two open primaries in South Dakota!
IVN: Meet Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate from Nebraska Dan Osborn
BREAKING:Thousands of voters would be disenfranchised in closed partisan primaries if the Texas GOP decides to end open primaries at their upcoming convention.
WEST VIRGINIA: Independent voices will be silenced after the May 14 primary for governor. Read how they’ll impact the primary election for the last time
ARIZONA: Two prominent Arizona Veterans penned an op-ed this week in AZ Central coming out in support for Make Elections Fair AZ campaign to open Arizona’s primaries to all Arizonans.